Right now we do not know what the future holds. I want to assure all of you, that I am doing everything in my power to survive this devastating virus and its economic impact. I cannot tell you how grateful the Disch family is to all of you, our loyal and faithful guests. The impact, all of you have made on the Disch family, and our extended family, the great people who I am proud to work with at Disch’s Tavern, is immeasurable and the gratitude cannot be put into words. I wish all of you only the best, so please remain healthy and safe. I want you to know that all of us at Disch’s Tavern, truly appreciate your business, and I want you to know that we will never take your business for granted.
Paul Disch
Here is some information that we hope will provide you all the information you need to know about Disch’s Tavern. We are currently open Monday – Saturday from 11:30 am to 8 pm for indoor dining and take out. We open at 11:00 on Sunday. We will be offering our regular menu in all eating areas of the restaurant. A disposable menu will be provided to each guest and a specials menu will be provided to each table. There will be different daily and weekly specials for Lunch and Dinner and they will be posted on our website daily. Dinner service begins at 4 pm Monday- Saturday, and 3 pm on Sundays. We also have drink menus, wine lists, and pizza menus available. All condiments are single service.
I hope this finds all of you healthy, safe, and following the directions of state and local agencies. The American people are strong and resilient, and no matter what the challenge they have always survived. This situation will be no different. There are 2 unknowns: how long before we get control of this virus and eliminate it, and what will be the economic impact this virus has caused. I wish all of you only the best as we face these challenges together.
We are offering inside restaurant dining, seating at the bar, and take out. All inside seating meets the 6’ distancing rule established by the state, we have over 100 seats inside the restaurant. Because of the distancing restrictions, tables cannot be moved.
Here at Disch’s Tavern, we have 3 objectives.
1. Comply with all state and federal regulations as they apply to food operations
2. Provide quality and consistent food and service to our loyal and faithful guests
3. Employ as many of our great people who want, and can be employed, while maintaining a safe, healthy, and sanitized environment.

Hours Of Operation
Monday – Saturday 11:30 AM – 8 PM
Sunday 11:00-8:30 PM
We have added additional door staff to accommodate and efficiently execute all take out. They all have server experience to insure that possible mistakes are minimized or hopefully eliminated. To expedite the process and minimize social contact, your credit card information can be taken at the time the order is placed and will only require a signature if you desire. We also will provide curbside delivery. Just call the restaurant and your food will be brought to you. We have also partnered with Chow Now an on-line take-out service.

We are currently not taking reservations. Because of our reduced seating capacity of 40%, we do have times that we do incur short waits. Usually, the wait could be 20-25 minutes. In these wait situations, we do ask guests to keep their experience to 90 minutes. Waiting areas will meet the required 6’ distancing. In the situation of a wait, when we take your name, we can take your cell phone number and call you in your car, if that is more desirable or would allow social distancing. We will seat only complete parties, and parties no larger than 6.
Employee Compliance Procedures
Temperatures and Employee Health Surveys will be completed by each employee on each shift. The daily log sheets will be kept in the office.
Social distancing will be maintained and masks will be worn at all times.
Hands must be washed every 30 minutes or as needed and proper handwashing procedures followed
Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, anti-bacterial spray, paper towels, and glove stations are set up throughout the restaurant
Common areas of the restaurant will be cleaned and sanitized every 30 minutes or as needed
Tables and chairs will be cleaned and sanitized after every use. Tables will only be set when guests have been seated
In the case of any employee having the symptoms of the Coronavirus, they will immediately leave the restaurant or remain at home. We have designated the facilities that provide the tests. If the employee does not have insurance or unable to pay for the test, the restaurant will take care of the cost.
In a case of a positive test result, all established protocols will be enforced and appropriate action is taken, up to closing the restaurant.
Guest Compliance Procedures
Guest Compliance Procedures
The state has mandated the following protocols. These protocols have been designed to keep all of our guests and employees safe and hopefully eliminate the spread of the Coronavirus. Thank you for your cooperation.
The restaurant’s capacity is reduced to 25%of its total capacity. 65 seats
There will be 10 seats available at the bar
Masks must be worn at all times. Masks may only be removed when eating or drinking.
Parties no larger than 6, complete parties will only be seated, and no reservations will be taken
6 feet distancing
Guests will be seated at the bar by the door staff, and they must eat
Bar stools do not get moved and shields do not get moved
Your dining experience must be no longer than 90 minutes